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45″ –
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Fear is part of our identity, and we experience it in different ways. We grow up with it, and over time we overcome or suppress it. It is said that our eyes widen in fear; they grow when we face the unknown. Only when the fear is overcome, the eyes shrink back, and the picture becomes clearer.

Film info

Directed by: Lucija Oroz
Production: Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb
Festival programme: European Young Talents II
Year: 2020
Length: 4'50"
Country: Croatia



Kratka vsebina

Strah je del naše identitete in ga različno doživljamo. Z njim odraščamo in sčasoma ga premagamo ali potlačimo. Pravijo, da se nam oči v strahu široko razprejo, da se ob soočenju z neznanim povečajo. Šele ko strah premagamo, se spet vrnejo v prvotno stanje in slika postane razločnejša.

Podatki o filmu

Režija: Lucija Oroz
Produkcija: Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb
Festivalski program: Mladi talenti Evrope II
Leto: 2020
Dolžina: 4'50"
Država: Hrvaška