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Čudovito popoldne / Une bien belle après-midi / A Beautiful Afternoon –
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Čudovito popoldne / Une bien belle après-midi / A Beautiful Afternoon

Čudovito popoldne / Une bien belle après-midi / A Beautiful Afternoon


A family is about to spend the afternoon on the beach to watch the fireworks of 15th August. But everything gets complicated when Bruno goes to grab the beach chair that his wife Sandrine has forgotten in the car: holidays don't erase your little daily problems…

Film info

Directed by: Camille Sallan
Production: Atelier de Sèvres
Festival programme: European Young Talents II
Year: 2020
Length: 6'05"
Country: France

In the programme

Čudovito popoldne / Une bien belle après-midi / A Beautiful Afternoon

Čudovito popoldne / Une bien belle après-midi / A Beautiful Afternoon

Kratka vsebina

Družina se nameni preživeti popoldan na plaži, kjer ob 15. avgustu pripravljajo ognjemet. Vse pa se zaplete, ko Bruno odide po ležalnik, ki ga je njegova žena Sandrine pozabila v avtu. Male vsakdanje tegobe te spremljajo tudi na dopust ...

Podatki o filmu

Režija: Camille Sallan
Produkcija: Atelier de Sèvres
Festivalski program: Mladi talenti Evrope II
Leto: 2020
Dolžina: 6'05"
Država: Francija

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