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Česarsedotaknem / Alleswasichberühre / C

Česarsedotaknem / Alleswasichberühre / C


In a constant search for closeness, C experiences emotions in all their highs and lows. Even if a familiar phase of togetherness is followed by the other person’s rejection and, accordingly, a sad loneliness, C does not give up. Again and again, new ways are tried out to find the longed-for closeness and tenderness. And to lose.

Film info

Directed by: Marion Täschler
Production: Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts
Festival programme: European Young Talents II
Year: 2020
Length: 5'04"
Country: Switzerland

In the programme

Česarsedotaknem / Alleswasichberühre / C

Česarsedotaknem / Alleswasichberühre / C

Kratka vsebina

C v nenehnem iskanju bližine izkuša čustva v vsej njihovi lepoti in bolečini. Tudi če obdobju sobivanja sledita zavrnitev druge osebe in s tem turobna osamljenost, se C nikakor ne preda. Spet in spet išče nove možnosti za nekaj tako želene bližine in nežnosti. In novo izgubo.

Podatki o filmu

Režija: Marion Täschler
Produkcija: Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts
Festivalski program: Mladi talenti Evrope II
Leto: 2020
Dolžina: 5'04"
Država: Švica

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