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Madera, a lonesome woman, lives a quiet existence in a small apartment. But nothing is as simple as it seems, and her problems are physically materialized in the form of a cube that appears in her world.

Film info

Directed by: Louise Bongartz, D Forest Gamble, Francisco Martins Fontes
Production: Bau Design College of Barcelona
Festival programme: European Young Talents II
Year: 2021
Length: 4'33"
Country: Spain



Kratka vsebina

Osamljena Madera živi umirjeno življenje v majhnem stanovanju. A nič ni tako preprosto, kot se zdi, in v njenem življenju se pojavi kocka, v kateri so utelešene vse Maderine težave.

Podatki o filmu

Režija: Louise Bongartz, D Forest Gamble, Francisco Martins Fontes
Produkcija: Bau Design College of Barcelona
Festivalski program: Mladi talenti Evrope II
Leto: 2021
Dolžina: 4'33"
Država: Španija