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Velika pohrustavščina / Croc’Marmottes / The Big Crunch –
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Velika pohrustavščina / Croc’Marmottes / The Big Crunch

Velika pohrustavščina / Croc’Marmottes / The Big Crunch


It is winter. The snow is falling hard in the mountains. Heidi, Lucie, Léonie, and Nickie are yodelling marmots looking for a shelter for the next five months, the time of their hibernation. On their journey, they will meet Denis, a solo and taciturn ibex, who is looking for peace and quiet.

Film info

Directed by: Benjamin Botella
Production: Vivement Lundi !
Festival programme: Elephant Competition programme III
Year: 2020
Length: 7'23”
Country: France

Velika pohrustavščina / Croc’Marmottes / The Big Crunch

Velika pohrustavščina / Croc’Marmottes / The Big Crunch

Kratka vsebina

Zima je. V gorah močno sneži. Heidi, Lucie, Léonie in Nickie so jodlajoče svižčevke, ki iščejo zavetje za naslednjih pet mesecev, ko jih čaka zimsko spanje. Pot jih pripelje do redkobesednega kozoroga Denisa, ki bi rad zgolj užival mir in tišino.

Podatki o filmu

Režija: Benjamin Botella
Produkcija: Vivement Lundi !
Festivalski program: Slonov tekmovalni program III
Leto: 2020
Dolžina: 7'23”
Država: Francija