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Orgiastično hiperplastično / Orgiastic Hyper-Plastic –
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Orgiastično hiperplastično / Orgiastic Hyper-Plastic

Orgiastično hiperplastično / Orgiastic Hyper-Plastic


An animated extravaganza of plastic collected from beaches, roadsides, attics and junk shops. This is an elegy to a love affair that has gone sour, a fond farewell to that most beautiful material that has enslaved our planet – plastic.

Film info

Directed by: Paul Bush
Production: Late Love Production/Ancient Mariner Productions
Festival programme: Student Panorama III
Year: 2020
Length: 6'50”
Country: Denmark, UK

Orgiastično hiperplastično / Orgiastic Hyper-Plastic

Orgiastično hiperplastično / Orgiastic Hyper-Plastic

Kratka vsebina

Animirana parada plastike, pobrane na plažah, ob cestah, na podstrešjih in v trgovinah z rabljenim blagom. To je žalostinka za ljubezensko zgodbo, ki se je sfižila, ljubeče slovo od najčudovitejšega materiala, ki je zasužnjil naš planet – plastike.

Podatki o filmu

Režija: Paul Bush
Produkcija: Late Love Production/Ancient Mariner Productions
Festivalski program: Slonov tekmovalni program III
Leto: 2020
Dolžina: 6'50”
Država: Danska, VB