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Enajsti korak / Ghadameh Yazdahom / The Eleventh Step –
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Enajsti korak / Ghadameh Yazdahom / The Eleventh Step

Enajsti korak / Ghadameh Yazdahom / The Eleventh Step


A little lion cub, born in a zoo, lives in a cage that is only ten steps long. At the eleventh step he bangs his head against the bars, but one day the zookeeper leaves the cage door open…

Film info

Directed by: Maryam Kashkoolinia
Production: Kanoon – Institute for the Intelectual Development of Children & Youth Adults
Festival programme: Elephant Competition programme III
Year: 2020
Length: 10'45”
Country: Iran

Enajsti korak / Ghadameh Yazdahom / The Eleventh Step

Enajsti korak / Ghadameh Yazdahom / The Eleventh Step

Kratka vsebina

Levji mladič, rojen v živalskem vrtu, živi v kletki, ki je dolga samo deset korakov. Pri enajstem koraku zadene z glavo ob rešetke. Nato pa nekega dne oskrbnik živalskega vrta pusti vrata kletke odprta ...

Podatki o filmu

Režija: Maryam Kashkoolinia
Produkcija: Kanoon – Institute for the Intelectual Development of Children & Youth Adults
Festivalski program: Slonov tekmovalni program III
Leto: 2020
Dolžina: 10'45”
Država: Iran