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Slaba volja / Malumore / Bad Mood –
Notice: WP_Scripts::localize was called incorrectly. The $l10n parameter must be an array. To pass arbitrary data to scripts, use the wp_add_inline_script() function instead. Please see Debugging in WordPress for more information. (This message was added in version 5.7.0.) in /home/animatek/ on line 5665

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Slaba volja / Malumore / Bad Mood

Slaba volja / Malumore / Bad Mood


The mother cares for seniors in their homes, where the ticking clock counts down the working day between the frightening sounds of heavy breathing that increase the fear of emptiness...

Film info

Directed by: Loris Giuseppe Nese
Production: Lapazio Film
Festival programme: Competition Programme IV
Year: 2020
Length: 12'05"
Country: Italy

In the programme

Slaba volja / Malumore / Bad Mood

Slaba volja / Malumore / Bad Mood

Kratka vsebina

Mama neguje ostarele na domu. Ura s tiktakanjem odšteva minute delovnika ob strašljivih zvokih sopenja, ki povečujejo strah pred praznino ...

Podatki o filmu

Režija: Loris Giuseppe Nese
Produkcija: Lapazio Film
Festivalski program: Tekmovalni program IV
Leto: 2020
Dolžina: 12'05"
Država: Italija

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