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Babičino seksualno življenje / Granny’s Sexual Life

Babičino seksualno življenje / Granny’s Sexual Life


Four old women, reflect on their memories of old times when they were young and how different the relationships between men and women were back then. Their voices merge into one single voice, that of the grandmother Vera, who tells her story in proper detail. A trip into grandmother’s youth and the memories of her intimate life illustrate the status of Slovenian women in the first half of the 20th century.

Film info

Directed by: Urška Djukić, Émilie Pigeard
Production: Studio Virc/Ikki Films
Festival programme: Competition Programme IV
Year: 2021
Length: 13'40"
Country: Slovenia, France

In the programme

Babičino seksualno življenje / Granny’s Sexual Life

Babičino seksualno življenje / Granny’s Sexual Life

Kratka vsebina

Izlet v babičino mladost ob spominih na njeno intimno življenje, ki orišejo položaj slovenske ženske v prvi polovici 20. stoletja.

Podatki o filmu

Režija: Urška Djukić, Émilie Pigeard
Produkcija: Studio Virc/Ikki Films
Festivalski program: Tekmovalni program IV
Leto: 2021
Dolžina: 13'40"
Država: Slovenija, Francija

V programu še: