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Jih vidiš? / Vidiš li ih ti? / Can You See Them? –
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Jih vidiš? / Vidiš li ih ti? / Can You See Them?

Jih vidiš? / Vidiš li ih ti? / Can You See Them?


The film is structured in such a way that its beginning also makes its end, creating the form of an "endless day". The focus of the plot is a boy suffering from schizophrenia. After witnessing the killing of a deer in the woods, he flees home in panic.

Film info

Directed by: Bruno Razum
Production: Zagreb film
Festival programme: Competition Programme IV
Year: 2021
Length: 10'30"
Country: Croatia

In the programme

Jih vidiš? / Vidiš li ih ti? / Can You See Them?

Jih vidiš? / Vidiš li ih ti? / Can You See Them?

Kratka vsebina

Film je zgrajen tako, da je njegov začetek tudi konec, kar mu daje obliko »neskončnega dne«. Zgodba spremlja fanta s shizofrenijo, ki v paniki zbeži od doma, potem ko vidi, kako v gozdu ubijejo jelena.

Podatki o filmu

Režija: Bruno Razum
Produkcija: Zagreb film
Festivalski program: Tekmovalni program IV
Leto: 2021
Dolžina: 10'30"
Država: Hrvaška

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