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Oči / Eyes –
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Oči / Eyes

Oči / Eyes


The film is about a person who has social anxiety. She suffers from a mental disorder called “Scopophobia” and its main symptom is being afraid of making eye contact with others.

Film info

Directed by: Hwanyi Kim
Production: Royal College of Art
Festival programme: Kinotrip Best of the World
Year: 2020
Length: 6'35''
Country: UK

Oči / Eyes

Oči / Eyes

Kratka vsebina

Film prinaša zgodbo o osebi s socialno anksioznostjo: trpi zaradi duševne motnje, ki ji pravimo skopofobija, njen glavni simptom pa je strah pred očesnim stikom.

Podatki o filmu

Režija: Hwanyi Kim
Produkcija: Royal College of Art
Festivalski program: Kinotripov jagodni izbor
Leto: 2020
Dolžina: 6'35''
Država: VB