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G. Pete in železna kača / Mr. Pete & The Iron Horse –
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G. Pete in železna kača / Mr. Pete & The Iron Horse

G. Pete in železna kača / Mr. Pete & The Iron Horse


The diligent soldier Mr. Pete does everything to meet the high standards of his baroness. To satisfy her insatiable lust for speed, he shovels madly on her new iron horse`s voyage.

Film info

Directed by: Kilian Vilim
Production: YK Animation Studio
Festival programme: Kinotrip Best of the World
Year: 2021
Length: 7'35''
Country: Switzerland

In the programme

G. Pete in železna kača / Mr. Pete & The Iron Horse

G. Pete in železna kača / Mr. Pete & The Iron Horse

Kratka vsebina

Marljivi vojak g. Pete naredi vse, da bi izpolnil visoka merila svoje baronice. Ker želi potešiti njeno nenasitno slo po hitrosti, z lopato divje meče na ogenj njene nove železne kače.

Podatki o filmu

Režija: Kilian Vilim
Produkcija: YK Animation Studio
Festivalski program: Kinotripov jagodni izbor
Leto: 2021
Dolžina: 7'35''
Država: Švica

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