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Slepota / Blindness –
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Slepota / Blindness

Slepota / Blindness


The main character, who lives freely, is fascinated by a scent and enters a monitor room. There is a very fascinating woman on the monitor, who gives her everything she wants. As the main character tries to reach perfection, she gradually loses herself.

Film info

Directed by: Yu-seon Park
Production: Hongik University
Festival programme: Kinotrip Best of the World
Year: 2020
Length: 5'
Country: South Korea

Slepota / Blindness

Slepota / Blindness

Kratka vsebina

Glavna junakinja živi svobodno življenje, ko jo premami vonj in vstopi v prostor z zaslonom. Na zaslonu je privlačna ženska, ki ji omogoči vse, kar si zaželi. Junakinja začne hlepeti po popolnosti, a hkrati izgubljati samo sebe.

Podatki o filmu

Režija: Yu-seon Park
Produkcija: Hongik University
Festivalski program: Kinotripov jagodni izbor
Leto: 2020
Dolžina: 5'
Država: Južna Koreja