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Patouille in regratovi padalci / Patouille, des graines en parachute / Patouille and the Parachute Seeds –
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Patouille in regratovi padalci / Patouille, des graines en parachute / Patouille and the Parachute Seeds

Patouille in regratovi padalci / Patouille, des graines en parachute / Patouille and the Parachute Seeds


Patouille is a little creature who lives in harmony with the plants. With his friend Momo, he discovers the amazing features of plants.

Film info

Directed by: Inès Bernard-Espina, Mélody Boulissière, Clémentine Campos
Production: Miyu Productions
Festival programme: Elephant Competition programme II
Year: 2021
Length: 6'10”
Country: France

In the programme

Patouille in regratovi padalci / Patouille, des graines en parachute / Patouille and the Parachute Seeds

Patouille in regratovi padalci / Patouille, des graines en parachute / Patouille and the Parachute Seeds

Kratka vsebina

Patouille je bitjece, ki živi v sožitju z rastlinskim svetom. S prijateljem Momom spoznavata neverjetne lastnosti rastlin.

Podatki o filmu

Režija: Inès Bernard-Espina, Mélody Boulissière, Clémentine Campos
Produkcija: Miyu Productions
Festivalski program: Slonov tekmovalni program II
Leto: 2021
Dolžina: 6'10”
Država: Francija