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Transformacija in deformacija / 変形して奇形する / Deforming After Transforming –
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Transformacija in deformacija / 変形して奇形する / Deforming After Transforming

Transformacija in deformacija / 変形して奇形する / Deforming After Transforming


A world where everything is created by humans. Deforming their own bodies, they calculate ways to increase the efficiency and convenience of their lives. If there are people who use their deformed bodies as tools for the purpose of labour, there are also those who are transformed into equipment for the purpose of just pleasure. A world entirely controlled by people, where they change form to become the things they want to be.

Film info

Directed by: Fukumi Nakazawa
Production: Estonian Academy of Arts
Festival programme: Student Panorama I
Year: 2021
Length: 8'45"
Country: Estonia

In the programme

Transformacija in deformacija / 変形して奇形する / Deforming After Transforming

Transformacija in deformacija / 変形して奇形する / Deforming After Transforming

Kratka vsebina

Svet, v katerem so vse ustvarili ljudje. Z deformacijo svojih teles želijo narediti življenje učinkovitejše in bolj praktično. Če obstajajo tisti, ki svoje deformirano telo uporabljajo kot orodje za delo, so tudi taki, ki se transformirajo v pripomočke, namenjene zgolj užitku. Svet, ki ga v celoti nadzorujejo ljudje, v katerem ljudje spreminjajo obliko, da bi postali tisto, kar želijo biti.

Podatki o filmu

Režija: Fukumi Nakazawa
Produkcija: Estonian Academy of Arts
Festivalski program: Študentska panorama I
Leto: 2021
Dolžina: 8'45"
Država: Estonija

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