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Štirje kamni / Neli kivi / Four Stones –
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Štirje kamni / Neli kivi / Four Stones

Štirje kamni / Neli kivi / Four Stones


A monk goes through his present and past life, constantly bouncing between desire and denial. His life in the monastery and later in the city evolves around looping patterns, coincidences, and unavoidable consequences. Sublime sounds and a delicate system of symbols trace the path for the monk and his fellas to cope with their miseries.

Film info

Directed by: Francesco Rosso
Production: Eesti Joonisfilm
Festival programme: Panorama I
Year: 2021
Length: 15'20"
Country: Estonia

Štirje kamni / Neli kivi / Four Stones

Štirje kamni / Neli kivi / Four Stones

Kratka vsebina

Menih potuje po svoji sedanjosti in preteklosti, pri čemer nenehno prehaja med poželenjem in zanikanjem. Njegovo življenje v samostanu in pozneje v mestu poteka po krožnih vzorcih, naključjih in z nujnimi posledicami. Da menih in njegovi tovariši laže prenašajo svoje tegobe, jih po poti usmerjajo eterični zvoki in pretanjen sistem simbolov.

Podatki o filmu

Režija: Francesco Rosso
Produkcija: Eesti Joonisfilm
Festivalski program: Panorama I
Leto: 2021
Dolžina: 15'20"
Država: Estonija