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Pot; Umetna inteligenca je moj zasledovalec / The Road; Artificial Intelligence Is My Stalker –
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Pot; Umetna inteligenca je moj zasledovalec / The Road; Artificial Intelligence Is My Stalker

Pot; Umetna inteligenca je moj zasledovalec / The Road; Artificial Intelligence Is My Stalker


Physical and digital limitations regulated by algorithms, artificial intelligence, and "the all-seeing eye" affect our daily lives. We see this in an experimental form and poetic dialogue: "We think we know a lot about artificial intelligence, but not as much as it knows about us."

Film info

Directed by: Valerie Wolf Gang
Production: UV Arthouse/Institute of Fine Arts Vienna
Festival programme: Panorama I
Year: 2020
Length: 5'05"
Country: Slovenia, Austria

Pot; Umetna inteligenca je moj zasledovalec / The Road; Artificial Intelligence Is My Stalker

Pot; Umetna inteligenca je moj zasledovalec / The Road; Artificial Intelligence Is My Stalker

Kratka vsebina

Fizične in digitalne omejitve, ki jih urejajo algoritmi, umetna inteligenca ter »oko, ki vse vidi«, vplivajo na naš vsakdan. To se izrazi v eksperimentalni obliki in poetičnem dialogu: »Mislimo, da vemo veliko o umetni inteligenci, vendar ne toliko, kot ona ve o nas.«

Podatki o filmu

Režija: Valerie Wolf Gang
Produkcija: UV Arthouse/Institute of Fine Arts Vienna
Festivalski program: Panorama I
Leto: 2020
Dolžina: 5'05"
Država: Slovenija, Avstrija