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Očka Baterijko / 건전지 아빠 / Battery Daddy –
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Očka Baterijko / 건전지 아빠 / Battery Daddy

Očka Baterijko / 건전지 아빠 / Battery Daddy


"Battery Dad" is in charge of every corner of the house, such as children’s toys, remote controls. One day, he goes on a trip to a valley with others. While having fun, a sudden downpour causes the valley to flood, and everyone is stranded. And the constant rain is putting them in danger...

Film info

Directed by: Seung-bae Jeon
Production: Toyville Animation Studio
Festival programme: Elephant Competition programme I
Year: 2021
Length: 6'15”
Country: South Korea

Očka Baterijko / 건전지 아빠 / Battery Daddy

Očka Baterijko / 건전지 아빠 / Battery Daddy

Kratka vsebina

»Očka Baterijko« skrbi za nešteto stvari v hiši, za igrače, daljince in podobno. Nekoč se s svojimi gospodarji odpravi na izlet. Zabaven dan prekine nenadni naliv, ki poplavi dolino. Družina obtiči na skali, dež nikakor ne poneha in znajdejo se v nevarnosti ...

Podatki o filmu

Režija: Seung-bae Jeon
Produkcija: Toyville Animation Studio
Festivalski program: Slonov tekmovalni program I
Leto: 2021
Dolžina: 6'15”
Država: Južna Koreja