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L’orée –
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Alice is an artist lacking inspiration. She creates environments with the help of futuristic technology, which materializes them in front of her. She persists in one of her projects and ends up being trapped in her own creation. Against all odds she finds new creative inspiration there.

Film info

Directed by: Bastien Garbuio, Raphaël Laffitte, Michael Boixadera, Jonathan Martinez, Renaud Tissandié
Production: ArtFX
Festival programme: Student Panorama I
Year: 2020
Length: 5'02"
Country: France



Kratka vsebina

Alice je umetnica, ki ji primanjkuje navdiha. Z uporabo futuristične tehnologije pred svojimi očmi ustvarja virtualna okolja. Pri enem izmed projektov se dolgo zadrži in nazadnje iz svoje kreacije ne najde izhoda. Proti pričakovanjem tam najde nov ustvarjalni navdih.

Podatki o filmu

Režija: Bastien Garbuio, Raphaël Laffitte, Michael Boixadera, Jonathan Martinez, Renaud Tissandié
Produkcija: ArtFX
Festivalski program: Študentska panorama I
Leto: 2020
Dolžina: 5'02"
Država: Francija