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Ime mi je Strah / My Name is Fear –
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Ime mi je Strah / My Name is Fear

Ime mi je Strah / My Name is Fear


The charming emotion "Fear" that lives in your head wants to give an interview. Maybe you can become friends! Or is there a reason to be afraid of being afraid?

Film info

Directed by: Eliza Płocieniak-Alvarez
Production: Blaue Pampelmuse
Festival programme: Elephant Competition programme I
Year: 2021
Length: 5'25”
Country: Germany

Ime mi je Strah / My Name is Fear

Ime mi je Strah / My Name is Fear

Kratka vsebina

Prisrčno čustvo po imenu Strah, ki živi v tvoji glavi, se ti hoče predstaviti. Mogoče lahko postaneta prijatelja! Ali pa je morda strah pred strahom upravičen?

Podatki o filmu

Režija: Eliza Płocieniak-Alvarez
Produkcija: Blaue Pampelmuse
Festivalski program: Slonov tekmovalni program I
Leto: 2021
Dolžina: 5'25”
Država: Nemčija