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Globoka voda / Глибока вода / Deep Water –
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Globoka voda / Глибока вода / Deep Water

Globoka voda / Глибока вода / Deep Water


A lonely chubby mermaid is keen on peeking at people through the water pipelines using magic. One day, she falls in love with a man and, blinded by passion, comes into his apartment to satisfy her burning desires.

Film info

Directed by: Anna Dudko
Production: Studio Chervoniy Sobaka
Festival programme: Kinotrip Best of the World
Year: 2020
Length: 5'59''
Country: Ukraine

In the programme

Globoka voda / Глибока вода / Deep Water

Globoka voda / Глибока вода / Deep Water

Kratka vsebina

Osamljena debelušna morska deklica rada uporablja čarobne trike, da skozi vodovodne cevi kuka k ljudem. Nekoč se zaljubi v moškega, ki ji povsem zmeša glavo. Da bi potešila svoje poželenje, vstopi v njegovo stanovanje.

Podatki o filmu

Režija: Anna Dudko
Produkcija: Studio Chervoniy Sobaka
Festivalski program: Kinotripov jagodni izbor
Leto: 2020
Dolžina: 5'59''
Država: Ukrajina