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Four of a Kind –
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Four of a Kind

Four of a Kind


Four animals meet in the hedgehog's den for a game of poker. George the hedgehog deals out cards and chips. He puts down card for card until the last one. At some point, one of the players realises that someone is cheating before their very eyes.

Film info

Directed by: Nika Karner
Production: University of Nova Gorica – School of Arts
Festival programme: Panorama I
Year: 2021
Length: 3'14"
Country: Slovenia

Four of a Kind

Four of a Kind

Kratka vsebina

V ježevem brlogu se zberejo štiri živali za igro pokra. Jež z imenom George razdeli karte in žetone. Drugo za drugo odloži vse karte. V nekem trenutku eden izmed igralcev ugotovi, da pred njegovimi očmi poteka goljufija.

Podatki o filmu

Režija: Nika Karner
Produkcija: University of Nova Gorica – School of Arts
Festivalski program: Panorama I
Leto: 2021
Dolžina: 3'14"
Država: Slovenija