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Črnilo / Inkt / Ink –
Notice: WP_Scripts::localize was called incorrectly. The $l10n parameter must be an array. To pass arbitrary data to scripts, use the wp_add_inline_script() function instead. Please see Debugging in WordPress for more information. (This message was added in version 5.7.0.) in /home/animatek/ on line 5665

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Črnilo / Inkt / Ink

Črnilo / Inkt / Ink


In this ultrashort animated film, we follow an octopus who is a clean-up neat-freak. But sometimes, even though you have so many arms, you still cannot reach what you are aiming for.

Film info

Directed by: Joost van den Bosch, Erik Verkerk
Production: Ko-Ching Cartoons
Festival programme: Elephant Competition programme I
Year: 2020
Length: 2'15”
Country: Netherlands

Črnilo / Inkt / Ink

Črnilo / Inkt / Ink

Kratka vsebina

V tem zelo kratkem animiranem filmu sledimo hobotnici, ki je obsedena z redom in čistočo. A včasih niti vse te roke ne pomagajo – kljub vsemu ne moreš doseči tistega, kar želiš.

Podatki o filmu

Režija: Joost van den Bosch, Erik Verkerk
Produkcija: Ko-Ching Cartoons
Festivalski program: Slonov tekmovalni program I
Leto: 2020
Dolžina: 2'15”
Država: Nizozemska