AnimatekaPRO 2020

AnimatekaPRO is the Animateka festival platform for animation professionals and students. It was conceived as a place where one can learn about the latest trends, be updated on the latest developments, and meet exciting film professionals while exploring the fantastic world of animated film!

Even though the festival is moving online this year, we will preserve our traditional breakfasts with filmmakers, or, rather, replace them with evenings with filmmakers. For the fourth consecutive year, the AnimatekaPRO Pitch competition for projects in development will give an insight into the state of animation in ex-Yugoslav countries.

We will also present local projects in development and, with the help of HAVC (Croatian Audiovisual Centre), we have Croatia Visiting. Don’t miss your chance to discover the vibrant Croatian animation scene (funding possibilities, producers’ insights and other opportunities for connecting with the Croatian animation industry).

We are excited to be launching a new collaboration project, CEE Animation Experience @AnimatekaPRO. The programme we curated together with CEE Animation Experience consist of presentations of two animated feature films with live Q&As. This is followed by a keynote and case studies from the field of hybrid animation. Throughout this day, a special emphasis will be given to the development of projects in the programme.

The last day of AnimatekaPRO will be dedicated to VR in animation, to see why and how artists use VR tools in their creative processes.

All AnimatekaPRO content is in English language and available free of charge subject to free registration on the festival platform.