Thomas Renoldner

Thomas Renoldner


Born 1960 in Linz, Austria. Since 1975, he has been active in the areas of drawing, painting, music, film, installation and performance. In years 1979-89, he studied psychology and educational theory in Innsbruck and Salzburg, while also acting as cultural worker in several projects. In years 1989-98, he studied at the Academy of Applied Arts in Vienna (Studio for experimental animation; diploma film: Ryhthmus 94). At the same time he was expanding his activities as cultural worker (building up the ASIFA Austria studio & office, film producer for other artists, animation workshops, filmhistorical researches, etc.)

After teaching animation at the Arts University in Linz, SAE Vienna, and building up the class for animation at the Vienna Art School, he has been lecturer and head of the studio for animation at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna since 2003.

He founded the One Day Animation Festival in 2004 (including the Best Austrian Animation competition held since 2011). 2010 saw the publication of his book DieKunst Des Einzelbilds, ('The art of 'single frame') – Animation in Austria 1832 – today.

Films at Animateka

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