28. Nov
Documenting by animating
Animated documentaries have become a staple in the Animateka line-up. As in recent editions, most of the animated documentaries in this year’s programme deal with burning socio-political issues: migration from war zones, the Syrian civil war, terrorism, political rallies, marginal groups, and addictions. They discuss the complexity of life and examine the
role of the individual in a society, relationship, or family.
The two programmes, Animated Documentaries I and II, are screening at the Slovenian Cinematheque on Tuesday at 9 pm and Saturday at 6 pm, respectively.
Jonas Odell’s animated documentaries are part of his retrospective programme ‘Never Like the First Time!’ (Thursday at 7 pm at Kinodvor): using animation, Lies, Never Like the First Time!, Tussilago, and I Was a Winner document intriguing intimate stories.