European Young Talents Competition

A short film telling a story of a bird that fell in love with a concrete statue and how extreme idealisation and delusion shows how similar us and birds are.

Jacquesovo divjanje ali kdaj izgubimo zaupanje vase / Jacques ámokfutása, avagy mikor veszítjük el bizalmunkat önmagunkkal szemben? / Jacques’ Rampage or When Do We Lose Our Self-Confidence?
A free-composition movie that defines the real substance of day-to-day life with the sensation achieved by connecting scenes that are independent from one another. The essence of the work is in the relationship between these scenes – all this in a monochrome world based on Jacques Tati’s work.

Being in a state of mental limbo, how do you cope with it? What happens inside the body and the mind and how do they relate to each other during stress, anxiety and disorientation?

A short story about the life of a train operator named Arseniy. He loves his job, but there is just one thing that keeps bothering him: passengers. One day he decides to teach them a lesson.

O tistem po / O tom co potom / After
What happens after death? A lot of people think about this question. A lot of groups have very different opinions, but the majority of them share one thing: almost all religions are convinced that they are right.

We thought we are made from dust, but in fact we are just spirit.

A man abandons the civilization with which he no longer identifies. In search of himself, he challenges the wilderness, becomes a hunter, studies his prey and identifies with it.

Inès is facing a difficult choice. She thinks one a last time about the decision she is going to make.

Broken Things
The story of a lonely young child growing up in an isolated family from where she digs into her inner fantasy world.

Ko odidemo / En avant / Cuandos nos vamos / When We Leave
Rosa’s jumper unravels little by little as she crosses the Mexican desert.

An anonymous man, alone in the sterile environment of an office, comes to grips with his own existence through the medium of tradition. He hears Cante Alentejano, a traditional singing that guides him through the monotonous meaningless gestures of modern daily work and society.