Erodium Thunk

Erodium Thunk

The piece is an endless barrage of hyperlinked cable television commercials. With equal doses of satire and nostalgia, the promised pleasures of late consumer capitalism are deconstructed through a contemporary form of détournement. (Clint Enns)

Plešoča žaba / 춤추는 개구리 / Dancing Frog

Plešoča žaba / 춤추는 개구리 / Dancing Frog

Kim Jin-man

South Korea, 2018, dcp, 9:

Everything is connected.

Viharni veter / Hurlevent / Windshriek

Viharni veter / Hurlevent / Windshriek

Frédéric Doazan
( )

France, 2018, dcp, 6:23

The wind rushes through the pages of a book to distort the lines and words into alphabet creatures.

Tihožitja / Kiirehessä Liikkumatoin / Still Lives

Tihožitja / Kiirehessä Liikkumatoin / Still Lives

Elli Vuorinen

Finland, 2019, dcp, 6:02

Traditional figurines from folk art explore the theme of busy stillness from different points of view: a couple on an antique bridal box breaks up, turning into tinder; an ancient statue in a glass showcase grows tired of hearing about the dynamic potential of shared workspaces, and the runner on a clay jar is stuck in a never-ending workout session.

Nad gladino / À Tona / Afloat

Nad gladino / À Tona / Afloat

Filipe Abranches
( Animais )

Portugal, 2018, dcp, 10:55

A fighter pilot crashes in the middle of the ocean. Luckily the plane lands on a sandbank. His longing for rescue finally ends through a strange ritual.



Cesar Díaz Meléndez

Spain, 2019, dcp, 9:

Life can arise anywhere, nature behaves strangely and days can last for minutes. Although everything is familiar to us, nothing is what it seems in this place. The cycle of life seen from a different perspective.



Jacky De Groen

Belgium, 2018, dcp, 11:35

Sailors are killing time under a blistering sun, waiting for a sign of their prey. A young mind turns inwards as it traces the wood grain. After some bloodshed, a strong arm offers a moment of shelter. A boy is getting his first tattoo.

Intermission Expedition

Intermission Expedition

Wiep Teeuwisse

Netherlands, 2019, dcp, 8:20

During a sunny holiday, a flock of tourists struggle to let go of their busy city lives, and the absence of daily tasks leaves them lost in an uncomfortable and frightening place.

Tomorrow I Will Be Dirt

Tomorrow I Will Be Dirt

Robert Morgan

UK, 2019, dcp, 8:05

An authorised, surrealistic animation sequel to Jörg Buttgereit’s 1993 film Schramm. The film ventures beyond the character’s death into nightmarishly uncharted territory, told through the filmmaker’s singular stop-motion brilliance.



Lisa Fukaya

Denmark, Japan, 2018, dcp, 4:17

Mimi has a pimple for the first time. She is afraid of being different from other girls and is uncomfortable around those who are different from herself. Because of this, she begins to mimic other girls around her.


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