
Prvi korak / Prvi korak / First Step
Plupko, a small creature, lives in a large tree in a forest. Plupko dreams about adventure in the big world, but he has never left his tree. One day, Plupko decides for the first time to get to the ground, but it seems more difficult than he expected…

Sanjarjenje / Unelemus / Daydreaming
Daydreaming is almost like dreaming. While you daydream you let go of your thoughts and also of yourself, but at the same time you are really present in the moment. It´s like dreaming with your eyes wide open.

Lov / Łowy / The Hunt
During summer holidays in the countryside, an 11-year-old boy goes through his first boyhood experience as he discovers violence for the first time.

Ribič in deklica / Metevze da gogona / Fisherman and the Girl
A story about a five-year-old girl and her fisherman father and the parallel lives they lead while he goes fishing in the sea and she is busy at home.

A dance, a fight, a solo; the story of a courtship. There is always someone stronger, smarter, bigger than you…

In Trance It
Experimental animation that is based on and inspired by a visit to the Museum of Art History Vienna in the autumn of 2018. Dusty paintings “scream for attention” and decide to become moving images and new “inbetween-paintings” in order to get recognized by an overstrained and bored art audience.

Nasilno enačenje / Viei Eksisosi / Violent Equation
Dare not to be different. A totalitarian society forces unequal things to become equal. Ignorance creates fear and envy brings violence. An average person's feeble mentality rules by any means. Inspired by the art of Costis Georgiou.

Pogrešala sem te / I've Missed You
A story about expecting a dear person to come home. A story about emotions and imagination. A story about missing someone.

Bik hoče bit / The Bull Wants to Be
An absurd minimalist comedy about a bull and his essence. A young confident bull, at one point in his life discovers a split in his body. First he wants to get rid of that feeling, and then sees that he cannot live without it. The struggle with existence is real, he can't escape it.

Radiovizija – Prostor / Radiovizija – Prostor / Radiovision – Space
Before he became one of the best-known Serbian and ex-Yugoslav actors, who portrayed the "small man fighting the system", Danilo Bata Stojković had to learn how to use the space on stage and how to overcome his fears and insecurities.

Albatros / Albatros / Albatross
On an old steamship, sometime around the beginning of the 20th century, sailors are amusing themselves by mocking a captured albatross. In a cafe, bullies mock a poet and then kick him out onto the street. He walks away towards a rocket on the horizon, carrying a suitcase. He is followed by the albatross. They are leaving the planet.

We all have two sides. But if even the tiniest scare splits someone into a timid skin on the one hand and an overconfident skeleton on the other, that person has a lot of work ahead to bring their characteristics back into harmony again.