Krivda / Wina / Guilt

Krivda / Wina / Guilt

A tale of difficult relations between mother and daughter. A childhood full of love is confronted with the parent's depression and alcoholism.

Med njima dnevnik / Entre Deux, un Journal Intime / In Between, Diary

Med njima dnevnik / Entre Deux, un Journal Intime / In Between, Diary

The diary of a young woman who divides her time between living in Israel and in France.



A diner in the middle of the desert, two strangers and a glass of latte: these are the elements of Milkoffee, an adaptation of a short story from Crìmenes Ejemplares by Max Aub. The film tries to visually represent the frustration and inner madness of the narrator, who feels tremendously and inexplicably annoyed by the noise of the teaspoon on the other's glass.

Kolikor požreš / All You Can Eat

Kolikor požreš / All You Can Eat

A tribe of cartoons are being taken by force from their natural habitat, only to fulfil the voracious intentions of humans.



Matisse Gonzalez

Germany, 2019, dcp, 10:30

In a world where gravity changes constantly, you have to find something to keep you grounded.

Ne kupujte mleka / Don't Buy Milk

Ne kupujte mleka / Don't Buy Milk

A portrait of a small dairy town.

2 Minutes 20

2 Minutes 20

In the 1930s, a man wanders around a surrealist world ruled by time.

Telička / Телёнок и носорог / The Calves

Telička / Телёнок и носорог / The Calves

A cow adopts an orphaned baby rhino, and together with her native calf they live a peaceful life. One day, mother cow disappears and the calves go on a trip to find her. One morning, an interesting smell brings them to a village where a human girl is picking deliciously looking carrots.

Mehurčki / Bubbles

Mehurčki / Bubbles

Rachel Fitzgerald

Ireland, 2018, dcp, 2:50

The once obedient puppet who happily danced to the puppeteer’s demands is now distracted by one of his bad habits: the deliberate cracking of knuckles. This disruptive sound agitates her and we observe as her anger takes over.

Oni / Ihr / Them

Oni / Ihr / Them

The story of a building with an inner courtyard and its inhabitants. While the different characters follow their everyday routines, trash slowly begins to pile up in the courtyard. What seems harmless in the beginning, one night escalates into a total disaster.

Brez telesa / No Body

Brez telesa / No Body

A traditional charcoal animation with an autobiographical experimental animated poem. Based on the director's diary on her immigration experience in London, No Body is about the relation between the city and the artist in three emotional chapters. Excitement, frustration and hope.



A man with a wide horizon meets a guy with a short one. There will be blood.

Ptica brez nog / A Bird with No Legs

Ptica brez nog / A Bird with No Legs

Following the loss of his wife, James’ grief cripples him from playing his beloved piano. His son Theo, on the other hand, uses his saxophone to cope. One evening while practicing for a show, Theo plays a specific melody line that reopens James’ wounds. Theo seizes this moment to help lead his father out of depression.

Wild West Compressed

Wild West Compressed

The wild west! Cowboys galloping through vast landscapes, yearning looks into the distance, huge egos duelling to the blood – of course it needs the wide screen! However, even the western has to keep up with the slogan “Vertical is the new widescreen”. With the new “mobilescope”, the genre expects of its cowboys the same cool performance as we are used to. Will that work well?

Spominčica / Forglemmegei / Forget-Me-Not

Spominčica / Forglemmegei / Forget-Me-Not

When a lifelong friend departs, a stubborn old man has to face his inner fears in order to restore peace to his mind.


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