Ariol, Highway Rat and Other Best Animated TV Series (7+)
Čira čara: Kot riba iz vode / Magic: Comme un poisson dans l'eau / A New Kind of Magic: A Fish out of Water
Tom and Cindy have left the world of fairy tales for the real world, along with their parents; a carefree fairy, a repentant ogre and a terrifying witch-aunt who’s anything but repentant. They all try to solve their problems the easy way, with a magic wand. But in the real world, no one can guarantee you Happily Ever After!
Mišji razbojnik / Highway Rat
The Highway Rat tells the tale of a ravenous rat who craves buns, biscuits and all sweet things. Tearing along the highway, he searches for sugary treats to steal, until his sweet tooth leads him to a sticky end. A swashbuckling tale of bandits and biscuits which the whole family will enjoy.
Max & Maestro: Nadzvočno uho / Max&Maestro: L'Oreille Supersonique / Max & Maestro – The Supersonic Ear
Max, a young rapper aged 11, discovers classical music thanks to the great conductor, Daniel Barenboim. But juggling rap concerts, basketball matches and preludes by Bach is far from simple, particularly when no one around him knows about his secret passion.
Ariol: Dracuriol
Ariol is a little donkey, just like you and I ... The series enables viewers to share in on nine year-old Ariol’s everyday existence with delightful little slices of his life. He experiences regular everyday situations, at home, at school, in the neighbourhood, on holiday as well as in dreams as being imaginative is his dominant feature.
Nate in Malika, večna zamudnika: Napadalci / Oscar & Malika, Toujours en Retard: Les Envahisseurs / Nate is Late: The Invaders
Every morning, Nate and Malika leave home 30 minutes early to go to school, and yet every morning they arrive late! That’s because every morning, something AMAZING happens on the way.
Mali Malabar: Požrešne alge / Petit Malabar: Les Bactéries Gloutonnes / Little Malabar: The Greedy Algae
Little Malabar is a very lucky boy: the universe is his playground! He talks to planets and stars to understand where we all come from. In each episode, he gets to experiment one simple notion about science or astronomy. This time, Little Malabar and his friend the Frog are playing house when they meet bacteria that look like small algae plants.
Pipas & Douglas: Princesa in zmaj / Pipas & Douglas: La Princesse et le Dragon / Pipas&Douglas: The Princess and the Dragon
Pipas and Douglas are two atypical (to say the least) performing artists who want to be a hit at the Music Hall, at any cost. To show their wide range of capacities, they’ll do anything – magic show, dance performances, music concert or even sing folk songs!
Sounzee: Rickle Pick
Every guitarist knows, if you drop a pick it disappears without a trace. As if moving to another dimension.