The films of the Jury Programme will be shown at the opening and closing ceremonies and before Competition Programme screenings.



Brainless Rabbits live in Rabittland, a perfect world ordered according to the most successful examples of war zones, ghettos and slums. They are intensively pink, have holes in their heads instead of brains, and they are happy regardless of what happens to them. They are the highest stage the evolution has ever reached. Their everyday life is completely fulfilled. The Rabbits spend days voting on free and democratic elections, which take place in Rabbitland once a day, because Rabbitland is an ordered democracy.

Nepotovanja / Neputovanja / Untravel

Nepotovanja / Neputovanja / Untravel

A film about (local) patriotism, tourism and emigration. The girl lives in a grey, isolated country, enclosed by a huge wall. She has never travelled anywhere, but all her life she has dreamt of leaving forever for a perfect world called “Abroad”.

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