3. – 7. december
Old Power Station – Elektro Ljubljana, Slomškova 18
AnimatekaPRO is a festival platform where you can learn about the latest in the world of auteur animated cinema through a series of talks, debates, presentations and Q&As. The event
includes the AnimatekaPRO Pitch, where producers and animators from ex-Yugoslav countries pitch their projects in development. An international panel of judges will award the best project with a chance to visit the CEE Animation Forum 2020 pitching event at the Anifilm festival.
Organised in collaboration with CEE Animation, the Slovenian Animated Film Association, Motovila (CED Slovenia) and Bunker.
09:00 AnimatekaPRO Pitch
Pitching competition for projects from ex-Yugoslav countries
11:00 Regional works in progress
Damir Romanov and Andrijana Sofranić Šućur (To Blink Animation, RS), I Am Akiko (animated short in development)
11:30 Producer in person Sabīne Andersone (Atom Art, LV)
12:30 Producer in person Katarína Kerekesová (Fool Moon, SK)
13:30 Panel discussion: Animated series – How to do it?
With: Nataša Bučar (Slovenski filmski center, SI), Martina Peštaj (RTV Slovenija, SI), Katarína Kerekesová (Fool Moon, SK), Halka Marčeková (comissioning editor at Slovak RTV, SK), Martin Vandas (MAUR film, CZ), Anna Vášová (13ka, CZ), Kolja Saksida (Zvviks, SI), Jure Vizjak (Invida, SI)
15:00 Masterclass Kevin Pedersen (US), Outfit7: Creating the World of Talking Tom
16:00 AnimatekaPRO Pitch 2019 Award Winner Announcement
10:00 Breakfast with authors
12:00 Masterclass Ülo Pikkov (EE)
12:45 Producer in person Agnė Adomėnė (LT)
13:30 Panel discussion: Animation in Baltic States – The state of the art
Latvia: Anna Zača (Latvian Animation Association), Sabīne Andersone, Zane Oborenko, Edmunds Jansons
Estonia: Aurelia Aasa (Estonian Film Institute), Kaspar Jancis, Prit Tender, Rao Heidmets, Kristjan Holm, Sander Joon
Lithuania: Simona Gaidytė (Lithuanian Film Center), Laura Almantaite (Blon festival), Agnė Adomėnė
10:00 Breakfast with authors
12:00 Works in progress
Zane Oborenko (LV), Kafka in Love (animated short in development)
12:45 Masterclass
Sabīne Andersone in Edmunds Jansons (Atom Art, LV), Making of the animated feature Jacob, Mimi and the Talking Dogs
13:45 Masterclass Jonas Odell (SE): Never Like the First Time!
10:00 Breakfast with authors
12:00 Producer in person Olivier Catherin (FR)
12:45 Distributor in person Luce Grosjean (FR)
13:30 Case study presentation
Špela Čadež and Tina Smrekar (Finta, SI), Fabian Driehorst (Fabian&Fred, GER), Olivier Catherin (FR), Steakhouse (co-production case study presentation)
14:15 Panel discussion: The art of co-production
Vanja Andrijević (Bonobostudio, HR), Olivier Catherin (FR), Tina Smrekar (Finta, SI), Fabian Driehorst (Fabian&Fred, DE), Luce Grosjean (Miyu, FR)
10:00 Breakfast with authors
12:15 Masterclass Alexandre Siqueira (BR), Making of the animated short Purpleboy
13:00 Masterclass Gustavo Steinberg (BR), Making of the animated feature Tito and the Birds
14:00 In Person Lorenzo Mattotti (ITA/FR), Making of the animated feature The Bear's Famous Invasion of Sicily – From literature to animation
14:30 Masterclass Tricky Women: Waltraud Grausgruber (AT), Marie Paccou (FR) and Ana Nedeljković (RS), Moderated by: Urška Jež (City of Women, SI)
CEE Animation is a regional platform of associations, studios, festivals, schools and other subjects active in the field of animation film in the region of Central and Eastern Europe. Its goal is to support film professionals while helping them to develop animation projects, to build networks, promote the talent, grow the visibility of animated works and provide insight into the region’s animation industry by means of empirical observation.
The CEE Animation Forum is a leading regional pitching and networking event. It brings together up to 250 professionals to showcase the best European animated projects in development, build bridges to international markets and help producers find financing and distribution for their projects.