Parvana – zgodba o neverjetnem potovanju / The Breadwinner

Nora Twomey

Ireland, Luxemburg, Canada , 2017, dcp, 93'00''

In English with Slovenian subtitles (11+) 


Directed by:Nora Twomey

Screenplay: Anita Doron (po romanu/based on The Breadwinner Deborah Ellis)

Art Directors: Reza Riahi, Ciaran Duffy

Editing: Darragh Byrne

Music: Jeff Danna, Mychael Danna

Voices: Saara Chaudry, Soma Chhaya, Laara Sadiq, Shaista Latif, Ali Badshah, Noorin Gulamgaus

Executive Producers: Angelina Jolie, Gerry Shirren, Mimi Polk Gitlin, Jon Levin, Regina K. Scully, Eric Beckman, David Jesteadt, Mary Bredin, Frank Falcone, Karim Amer, Jehane Noujaim

Producers: Anthony Leo, Andrew Rosen, Paul Young, Tomm Moore, Stephan Roelants

Distribution: Westend Films 



Eleven-year-old Parvana lives with her family in one room of a tiny apartment building in war-torn Kabul, Afghanistan. Living under Taliban rule, Parvana grows up listening to stories told by her father while helping him in the marketplace where he reads and writes letters for people to earn a living.

One day, her father is arrested, and Parvana’s life is changed forever. In a time and place where women are not allowed to leave home without men, her family is left without someone who can earn money or even shop for food.

To help her family, Parvana decides to cut her hair and disguise herself as a boy, turning herself into the breadwinner for the family.


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