Competition Programme
Potujoča dežela / Putujuća zemlja / Travelling Country
Once upon a time, there was a country on the back of a giant horse, but it was ruined by stupidity and greed. Now, only the horse's tail remains of its former glory, while the people live in the shadow of what used to be a happy world. Yet, the memory of the past is still vivid, and a new society is being born. Will the history repeat itself?
Tri muhe po meri / Tres moscas a medida / Three Fitted Flies
Summer in a small village in a plain and arid region of central Spain. Prying neighbours, mourning rituals, tediousness, extreme heat and undertones of guilt make a perfect soil for madness. The old woman will try to bring her late husband back by means of twisted rituals.
Obraz / Seja / Face
His own image in the mirror was so important that once he didn't find himself there.
Ralph Plays d'Oh!
An abstract animation inspired by Ralph Wiggum.
Mesto duhov / Grad duhova / Ghost Town
While a battle rages around an abandoned town, the remaining citizen fights his battle with loneliness through his daily rituals.
Au revoir Balthazar
A scarecrow, a storm, a broken leg. The resonant sound of a sea shell. Looking back. Leaving forever.