Fields of Rape

Fields of Rape

Far from here lies a giant field of rape.



Tommy's sweaty trip to the indoor swimming pools. A story told by Split Screens.

Zvok lizanja / A nyalintás nesze / The Noise of Licking

Zvok lizanja / A nyalintás nesze / The Noise of Licking

A woman is watched every day by the neighbour’s cat, as she takes care of her exotic plants. Their perverted ritual comes to an end when the cat disappears. Next spring a peculiar man pays her a visit.



Alma W. Bär

Nemčija, 2016, hd, 1:53

A girl is stuck in a loop of oppressive hair-combing. Her rage grows until it finally breaks through and she escapes her passivity. But where to? One breakout leads to another and she changes into different stages of herself. Will she reach her freedom?

Tujek / Ciało obce / Foreign Body

Tujek / Ciało obce / Foreign Body

A foreign body lives its own life. You're not able to get rid of it, it's always with you, you need it. Caress that odd part of yours, don't try to shave its long tousled fur. This is a story about something that's considered to be strange at first but turns out to be the dearest thing to us. About the transformation of the inside and the outside.



Penelope forgets about it.

Napačna predstava / The Wrong End of the Stick

Napačna predstava / The Wrong End of the Stick

Malcolm Fetcher is a neurotic, middle-aged teacher lost in a dull marriage with his wife of twenty years, Beverly. As he faces an all-consuming identity crisis, their marriage disintegrates and he is forced to express a deep, hidden desire.

Miza / La Table / The Table

Miza / La Table / The Table

Eugène Boitsov

Francija, 2016, hd, 4:15

A woodworker with a perfectionist streak is obsessed by the idea of creating the perfect object.



Léa Fabreguettes
( EMCA )

Francija, 2015, hd, 5:31

When the world is in the dark all year long, the only sunny day is an important event. This day is tomorrow. Thousands of people gather on the beach, waiting to live this day together.

Sea Child

Sea Child

On the verge of becoming a woman Sora is woken by a nightmare and decides to follow a group of men into the city in the hope of finding her mom.



On a train trip through spatial and temporal dimensions the traveller suddenly comes across himself. #cat

Obgrizeni nohti / Körömágyszaggató / The Hangnail Picker

Obgrizeni nohti / Körömágyszaggató / The Hangnail Picker

A twenty-something Hungarian guy ponders over the sometimes unpleasant, sometimes funny, but undoubtedly determining experiences of his life so far.


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