NFB Kanada Filmi na animateki Ugani besedo / Subconscious Password Hollow Land Navpično / Vertical Stolp БАШНЯ / Tower Bawher Mož, ki je čakal / The Man Who Waited Drux Flux Yannick Nézet-Séguin: Brez predaha / Yannick Nézet-Séguin: No Intermission Lipsettovi zapisi / Les Journaux de Lipsett / Lipsett Diaries Odsev / Reflexion / Reflection Gloria Victoria Harmonika / Accordion Pas de deux Matrioska Street Musique Ne na odru, ne v zaodrju / Ni scène ni coulisses / Beyond Curtains Ples nasilnežev / Bully Dance / La dance des brutes Igra / Jeu / Play Kali, mali vampir / Kali, o pequeno vampiro / Kali, the Little Vampire Lost Action: Trace 3D Ora Deževni dnevi / Lietus dienas / Rainy Days Piloti se vračajo domov / Lendurid koduteel / Pilots on the Way Home Jaz in moje kolo / Moulton og meg / Me and My Moulton Žeja / Soif / Thirst Tretja stran od sonca / Third Page from the Sun Seks za naveličane / Sex dla opornych / Sexy Laundry Krvni manifest / Manifeste de sang / Blood Manifesto Hungu Paula Tu in veliki drugod / Le grand ailleur et le petit ici / Here and the Great Elsewhere Edmond je bil osel / Edmond était un âne / Edmond Was a Donkey Odsev / Réflexion / Reflection Območje tišine / Ondes et silence / Quiet Zone Bydlo Avtobusne prigode / Histoires de bus / Bus Story Nobene ribe, kamor bi šel / Nul poisson où aller / No Fish Where to Go Avto-portreti / Autos-Portraits / Carface Now is the Time Around is Around Jutra Zavezati si čevlje / Tying Your Own Shoes Domače glasbene dobrote / Home Cooked Music Sethov teritorij / Seth's Dominion Klobuk / Le chapeau / The Hat Banket za konkubino / Le banquet de la concubine / Banquet of the Concubine Otvoritveni govor / Opening Speech Gospod žabec je šel dvorit/ Mister Frog Went-A-Courting Pri gospe Kokoški / Chez madame Poule / At Home with Mrs Hen Nedelja / Dimanche / Sunday Nezadržno / Runaway Mila povest o pingvinji Pepelki / The Tender Tale of Cinderella Penguin Krasuljčica / Isabelle au bois dormant / Sleeping Betty