Festival diary

10. Dec
Animated voices VI

Animated voices VI

VIDEO  Animateka's artist in residence Rosto. Meet the dark force of this year's festival. Anger is energy!


10. Dec
Animated voices V

Animated voices V

VIDEO  What does it mean to be a filmmaker in Netherlands? We talked to one of the Animateka 2015 Jurors Anet ter Horst.


10. Dec
Ceci n'est pas une sofa

Ceci n'est pas une sofa

Sex and Eroticism in animated film (A Man's View and a Woman's View), Monday, 7 December at the Slovenian Cinematheque.


10. Dec
Animated voices IV

Animated voices IV

VIDEO  Radiovision - Miloš Tomić! Olga an Michal asking questions.


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