Festival diary

10. Dec
Spontaneous structures

Spontaneous structures

Looking for order and rules in Kristjan Holm's new film Worst case scenario (Competition programme III). 


10. Dec
Anu-Laura has a new film

Anu-Laura has a new film

The Estonian animator Anu-Laura Tuttelberg is visiting Animateka again with her new film On the Other Side of The Woods (Competition programme I).


10. Dec
A concert at dawn

A concert at dawn

Did you know that in Switzerland in summer you can attend a concert on a lake at dawn? Did you know which messages are hidden in the film Hasta Santiago?


10. Dec
Cartoon d'Or

Cartoon d'Or

A great big white balloon floats above the city. Passersby with tightly wrapped scarves and pom pom hats hurry into the bleak December evening, their heads bowed.


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