The Elephant Panorama

Povodni konj in sok / Бегемот и компот / Hippo and Juice
Hippo pilot adores to eat, but his favourite blueberry pie and juice were stolen. Hippo pilot is going to find them.

Igrajva se zgodbo: Mravlja in kobilica / Igramo se priče: Cvrčak i mrav / Let's play a story: The Ant and the Grasshoper
It’s bed time. Toma’s mother is reading him the story about the Ant and the Grasshopper. The characters from the book come to life, and take us to a magical animated world. Unhappy with the way the story unfolds, Toma decides to tell his own version, in which the events take an unexpected turn.

Ko hodiš, pojdi zmeraj do konca / When You Walk, Follow Your Way to the End
Poet Tone Pavček wrote: “When you walk, always go to the end...”
The film take us on a journey among Pavček’s verses, literary or abstractly conveyed in an imaginary world of two characters.
A piano takes us above the clouds, we chase flowers and roam colourful hills, board a flying ship to watch houses growing on stems, to ultimately come to a metaphoric depiction of Pavček’s “principle”: Try again and again and again.

Štetje ovac / Compte les moutons / Counting Sheep
A little boy can't fall asleep. He calls his father, who is reading the newspaper downstairs in the living room. To get out of reading him yet another story, he tells his son to try counting sheep. The little boy does as he is told but soon finds himself with a dozen sheep around his bed.

Deklica in noč / Das Märchen der Nachtfrau / The Little Girl and the Night
A little girl lives with three buffalo. She feeds them and smothers them with kisses, she loves them so. At the onset of the night they would all rush home, making sure doors, windows and curtains are all shut tight. One night, though, they forget to close the window.

Sneg / Neige / Snow
Pearl leaves her parents for the traditional annual school trip just before summer holiday. But once she’s gone the small town where her parents live is hit by an incredible snowstorm. Her little brother Simeon then makes an amazing discovery – an Inuit family has settled on a roundabout. The meeting of the two worlds will spark a wonderful adventure.