Sex and Eroticism in Animated Film

Povodni konji / Hipopotamy / Hippos
A few naked women and children are bathing in a river. They are being secretly observed by a group of men, who at one point decide to approach them, in a violent manner, as if inspired by the behaviour of hippopotamuses.

Ognjena krogla / Ring of Fire
Two young cowboys spend their days in the cool shade of a rock, but at night they make their way to the bazaar of sexual desire. Drifting further and further in, they encounter many dangerous and fascinating characters. Eventually they realize that they are completely lost. By the time they manage to leave, they find that their lives have been changed forever.
“We never fell. We never even stumbled. We just waited for the spirits to rise from out of the ground.”

Golo in grobo / Pene e Cruditè / Nude and Crude
Fantastical hallucinatory moments of passion, cruelty, loneliness, disconnection and love unfold humorously in a simple and innocent form but with deep, sometimes dark meanings.

During a drunken night out, a young man cheats on his girlfriend with a beautiful and exuberant English woman. Three of their friends watch and comment on this event. A parallel is created between that conversation and the embrace of the two lovers.

Na dnu verige / Bottom Feeders
Two fictional species try to make it through the day in this bleak parody of the natural world.

Ivanova sla / Ivan's Need
Ivan is obsessed with the incredible softness of the dough. When kneading, he gets lost in intensive daydreams, not accepting that sooner or later the master baker will turn every wonderfully elastic dough into horribly crispy bread.

Omulan, a little humanoid character traveling through space in search of God, is reaching a mysterious planet marked by the divine triangle. He descends and explores it, discovering triangle shaped critters everywhere but not The One he's looking for. Things change when he stumbles upon the local Adam and Eve. After a drink, a sex and a kill, Omulan finally meets what he was looking for. He really does!