Sex and Eroticism in Animated Film

Uvod v seks – Kirby / Teat Beat of Sex - Kirby
The matter of size. It is about sex from a woman's point of view. Explicit and educational.

Topor in jaz / Topor and me
An animated documentary by Sylvia Kristel about the Parisian art world in which she finds herself as a well-known film actress. She calls to mind memories of Roland Topor, who taught her to draw, Hugo Claus, W.F. Hermans and others, bringing their work to life through the medium of animation. It is Kristel's own story; a mini biography in moving pictures.

Jennifer in Tiffany (ponedeljkov večer v kopalnici) / Jennifer and Tiffany (A Monday Night in the Bathroom)
An intense love moment between Jennifer and Tiffany. Warning: This video can evoke an erotic emotion.

Klobuk / Le chapeau / The Hat
A young woman works as an exotic dancer in a bar. She recalls an incident from her childhood in which she was physically abused by a male visitor. This inner journey brings back painful memories, including the obsessive image of a hat. Black-ink drawings, spare and rapidly executed, flow together in a succession of troubling and striking metamorphoses.

Lucidna norost / Lucidi Folli / Lucid Insanity
A film that is peculiar due to its strong black lines and the continuous metamorphosis of drawings.

Banket za konkubino / Le banquet de la concubine / Banquet of the Concubine
In the year 746, during the Tang Dynasty, a banquet is given in the Imperial City in honour of Emperor Li’s favourite concubine. An unsatisfied craving, suspected infidelity and fevered imagination lead Yang to bitter excess, which not even the luscious lychee can appease.

Uvod v seks – Težava / Teat Beat of Sex – Trouble
Don't listen to your mother, set yourself free & masturbate all you want!

Hezurbeltzak, skupinsko grobišče / Hezurbeltzak, una fosa com / Hezurbeltzak, a Common Grave
The Basque word hezurbeltzak does not appear in dictionaries. It is a non-existent word used to describe socially invisible groups. Its literal translation would be "black bones".

Uvod v seks – Sok / Teat Beat of Sex – Juice
Women do need panties. It is about sex from a woman's point of view. Explicit and educational.

Živalski karneval / Karneval zvířat / Carnival of Animals
A mini-symphony of sexual fantasy in eight movements inspired and accompanied by the music of Camille Saint-Saëns.