The Family Elephant

Napovednik za Ultrakort / Ultrakort Leader
A dachshund features in the announcement of a series of ultrashort animation movies. A project by the Netherlands Film Fund and Pathé, releasing short animation films as supporting films for blockbusters.

Piknik s torto / Picknick met Taart / Picnic with Cake
Episode of a cross-media adaptation of the famous picture book by Thé Tjong-Khing. Every episode tells the central storyline of the picnic, the discovery of the stolen cakes, the unmasking of the thieves and the happy ending with cake. The episodes are each told from the perspective of another animal. In this way the picnic story takes the shape of a thriller, slapstick or a romantic comedy.

Tumbliji / De Tumblies / The Tumblies
Enter the playful world of the three Tumblies and their pet dog. It is all about fun, play, discovery and fantasy. Cross-media series, also available as iPad apps. The dynamic stories revolve around everyday events and familiar situations. The characters play with blocks, run off with each other's discs and discover objects like a music box, toilet roll, remote control, paint brush and so on.

Spust / Descent
A cylinder shaped cup falls and breaks into pieces. Every frame of this recorded movement is then translated into a ceramic layer that is made of the original remains of the cup.

Od doma / Uit Huis / Leaving Home
His father thinks Richard is old enough to move into lodgings. But he prefers to stay with his parents and the goldfish. His mother always makes his sandwiches. Time and again, he leaves and he comes back. Until fate strikes.

Doma je najlepše / No Place Like Home
A tall man lives in a house that is too small. A small man lives in a house that is too large. This is inconvenient and sometimes painful. The tall guy reaches all the way to the ceiling. One day, they decide to switch homes. Playful use of various materials.

Trampolin / Trampoline
The film screen as the bottom of a trampoline. Through the coiled springs, we can barely see a glorious blue sky. Children’s feet, duck feet and a pig’s tail allow us to follow the somersaults. The more the merrier! Ingenious in its simplicity.

Kmet Jaka / Boer Jansen / Farmer Jack
A good-tempered Dutch farmer works hard to realise his dream: a farm with cows, chickens and sheep as far as the eye can reach. But his earnings are dwindling and farmer Jansen takes refuge in pharmaceutics. Striking graphic characterisation of the countryside.

Pas za babice / Granny Lane
Unwillingly an old granny in her little electric car starts a race with two young car tuners. Even with all their tuning and aggressive driving, the two boys cannot win against the old lady. The story of the Rabbit and the Turtoise retold.

Bugivugi v tušu in kredi / Boogie Woogie in Inkt en Krijt / Boogie Woogie
Swinging production process of an electric bulb in ink and chalk against brown paper and corrugated cardboard. An ingenious mechanism with wires and chains pushes the lamp on, seemingly dependent on the whims of fate.

Na slepo / Blindelings / Blindly
Inventive film with transformations of everyday events in braille on slightly tinted paper. Birds, a woman on a bike, traffic, a train thundering past and snippets of conversations on a train. The experiences of a blind person during a short trip to Rotterdam Central Station.

Srečno pot! / Bon Voyage! / Good Trip!
Tim wants to watch the start of the Tour de France in Utrecht with his girl, but he ends up at the wrong side of the barriers and has to find a way to get to her. Promotional music video for the City of Utrecht with Dutch singer-songwriter Blaudzun, for the announcement of Le Grand Départ, the start of the Tour de France in Utrecht in 2015.