Albanian Communist Animation

Slogani / Parullat / Slogans
The fascist city judge wakes up for work and finds the message V.F.L.P (Albanian communist party slogan) written on city walls. He gets angry and calls two officers to remove the paint. The goofies do not understand what he means by asking them to remove the paint.

Šus v glavo / Plumb ballit / Bullet in the Head
An elaboration of various political transitions and conflicts and the transformation to communism.

Čečkarija / Zhgaravinat / Doodling
A little boy doodles on the walls of his neighbourhood. At night the drawings escape from the wall and sneak inside his homework.

Ko šef vzkipi / Kur shefi merr flak e/ When the Chief Upsets
The arrogant and bad-tempered chief often "goes up in flames" and yells to his employees who try to calm him down by bringing in the firefighter's water pumps.

Deček svobode / Djaloshi i lirise / The Boy of Freedom
Two boys make a sculpture from mud and wood portraying the “the boy of freedom”, which symbolises the victory against all enemies. After a rainy night the sculpture falls apart. Their grandfather suggests using rock for a new monument.

Vse mesto se smeji / I gjithe qyteti qesh / The Whole City Laughs
A little boy puts black paint on the tail of a fascist general’s horse before their parade. The horse makes the whole army and fascist officials dirty with black paint. A propaganda film for children against fascists.

Kompozicija / Kompozim / Composition
A composition with various sequences from everyday life. The film displays different sequences from the life in Albania during the 90s.