Festival Office
Kolodvorska 13
SI-1000 Ljubljana
T: +386 40 858 978
Igor Prassel
Programme Director and Producer
E: igor.prassel@animateka.si
M: +386 (0)31 83 64 31
Katja Hohler
Executive producer
E: katja.hohler@animateka.si
M: +386 (0)41 572 837
Saša Bach
E: sasa.bach@animateka.si
M: +386 (0)40 788 219
Sanja Čakarun
Public relations & promotion
E: sanja.cakarun@animateka.si
M: +386 (0)51 30 90 80
Rok Govednik
Distribution, Animateka after Animateka
E: rok.govednik@animateka.si
M: +386 (0)31 35 38 55
Andreja Goetz
The Elephant - Children programme
E: andreja.goetz@animateka.si
M: +386 (0) 31 55 81 76
Smail Jušič
Head of Tehnical Support, Print Traffic and Web Master
E: website@animateka.si
M: +386 (0)40 62 98 10
Katerina Kljun
Guest Coordinator
E: animaweb@animateka.si
Zala Vidali
Coordination of Music programme