
30. Nov
Meet the Animateka 2013 jury

Meet the Animateka 2013 jury

If last year's jury was all about the great dames of animated films, the jubilee edition of the festival is showing a completely different picture: four masters of animation and one dame. Let us introduce them to you! 


28. Nov
Animateka’s Animated nights

Animateka’s Animated nights

Sometimes all you need after a hard day of seeing many great animated films is an Animated night of fun. Fortunately Animateka has those, and they will take care of your ears and give you a chance to strtch your legs and dance the night away!


27. Nov
AnimaWeb: see the best greeting cards!

AnimaWeb: see the best greeting cards!

This year’s AnimaWeb competition just closed and on yesterday’s press conference we presented the best 3 animated greeting cards, along with all the details about the jubilee Animateka.


25. Nov
Welcome to Animateka’s new webpage!

Welcome to Animateka’s new webpage!

Good things come to those who wait - and here it is, finally, our brand new Animateka website, to accompany the jubilee edition and start the next 10 in style! We will be adding more content as we go, soon we’ll fill up the missing data and tie up the loose ends here and there.


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