Festival diary

06. Dec
Contrasting violence and boredom

Contrasting violence and boredom

“I don’t want to put anything in the film that doesn’t have a reason I can justify,” says Jonathan Hodgson, one of this year's festival jury members. In this interview he told us more about how his style of animation was changing with the technology and how hi...

06. Dec
Meet Kathy Würbs, illustrator and animator

Meet Kathy Würbs, illustrator and animator

Watch this short, sweet and happy interview with one of our many festival guests!


06. Dec
The Blood metaphore

The Blood metaphore

The Bulgarian animator Velislava Gospodinova, who has already visited Animateka three years ago with her short film The Lighthouse, gave us s...

06. Dec
Short inteview: Dennis Tupicoff

Short inteview: Dennis Tupicoff

Read our short interviews with our festival guests, fans of animation, team members, and other passers-by. A series of short interviews to celebrate 10 years of Animateka.


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