festival diary

12. Dec


As I enter the hallway, there's already a bunch of familiar faces, and we just nod at each other, since it's obvious none of us had coffee yet. I saw X smoking a cigarette outside and she smiled at me, so that's good I guess.


09. Dec
This is not a Monty Python film!

This is not a Monty Python film!

A hot afternoon bathed in pink. One bicycle. Two Pythons. A beautiful view. A Fiesta. The sun. From the sea rises a clam-clad David. Sexy. Ha. Eat your heart out, Botticelli.


09. Dec
Short interview: Rok Predin

Short interview: Rok Predin

Read our short interviews with our festival guests, fans of animation, team members, and other passers-by. A series of short interviews to celebrate 10 years of Animateka.


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