Short inteview: Sophie Haller, Jonathan Laskar

Animated 10


What brought you to Animateka?

This is our first festival and an international premiere.

What would your perfect movie night be like?

Full of animated films.

Who is your favourite female director?

Caroline Leaf

What is your favourite cartoon?

The Smortlybacks (Ted Sieger, Wouter Dierickx)

If you could invite anyone for a cup of coffee, whom would you pick?

Sophie: My grandmother.

Colour or black and white

Jonathan: Colour animation, black and white feature film

Your favourite beer?


Your favourite animation technique?

Sophie: Paint on Glass.

Your favourite historical era?

Jonathan: Late European middle ages.

How do you see the future of animated film?

We hope more and more people will be interested in animationa and that people interested in making animation will have more access to it.



Tamara Klavžar & Zala Mojca Jerman Kuželički

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