Short interview: Rok Predin

Animated 10


What brought you to Animateka?

Igor's invitation and A Liar's Autobiography, a film which I helped work on and has been shown on this year's festival.
What would your perfect movie night be like?

There's a snow blizzard outside and I'm somewhere cozy and warm with my friends, having a marathon of film classics.
In your opinion, the biggest name of animation is …

Yuriy Norshteyn.

What is your favourite cartoon?

The Mole.
If you could invite anyone for a cup of coffee, whom would you pick?

Yuriy Norshteyn.
How do you see the future of animated film?

In individual production, which is enabled by new technologies
Colour or black-and-white films?

Your favourite animation technique?

All techniques that suit the plot and the message of a given film are equal.

Your favourite Monty Python sketch?

Ministry of Silly Walks.
This year's Animateka in a single word?




Anja Banko

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